Wednesday, July 29, 2009

it's raining its pouring the old man is soring! he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning!
oh my goodness that pour old man! nursery rhymes are ridiculously morbid. the old man was just trying to go to bed and instead he knocked himself out and couldn't wake in he died?? creepy! now im creeped out by my parents who let me read that sort of thing.
well anyways i may officially be done with tanning. today in the paper, one of our customers who owns Golden edge tanning was interviewed in a manipulative way. he said the journal took advantage of him and misrepresented everything he said. anyways the article was talking about how absolutely horrible tanning beds are for peoples skin. they compared it to arsenic poisoning.

1 comment:

Aleisha said...

Oh my God! She's seen the light!