Tuesday, April 28, 2009


it's the craving and the act of eating mud or dirt.
i crave mud! i always have. maybe it's freaky but i just looked it up online and apparently there is a term for it because other people crave the same. who knew!
i brought it up to Linda because i was telling her how hard it was for me to not eat the mud in my sister's backyard while we were planting flowers the other weekend. when i was little i was famous for my delicious mud pies. when i was planting, the smell hit me and reminded me how good mud tastes to me. Linda and i started talking about if mud was all that bad for the human body. i looked it up and according to an article back in 2005 (not a very good source) lots of people crave mud.. a lot of pregnant women actually (don't' get scared, i always crave mud) and nutritionist say mud may help to draw out toxins. i was just happy to hear other people have the same childish cravings as myself.
maybe we're suppose to eat mud but society forces children to stop at an early age? like forcing boys to wear blue and girls to wear pink and play with Barbies. whatever

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